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來源:MAY 25, 2022 by 


比利時改裝品牌Designa Individual(簡稱DiW)屬於滿多產的品牌,他們打造的手錶限量數都不多,但是款式推陳出新的速度很快,像最近他們又有新作了——雖然改裝的對象還是勞力士Daytona這個千年不敗的題材,但是這次的新款真的有讓人眼睛一亮的感覺,比起品牌過去往往用碳纖維材質改造Daytona,這回的新款”Golden Essence”風格明顯有了變化,一方面是手錶的基礎似乎升級成116508這種黃金錶殼的貴金屬款式,因此手錶散發出華麗的金黃光澤,再來就是錶殼方面,DiW又再次展現他們的研發長才,賦予黃金Daytona前衛大膽的新面貌。


Daytona ”Golden Essence”保留黃金錶圈、錶冠與按把之餘,DiW直接將錶殼換成白色石英纖維材質,因此錶殼呈現層疊狀的白色效果,每一層帶有明顯的黑色層次,讓手錶看起來好像輪廓線條變得更豐富了。此外其搭配的金黃色錶帶是透過魔鬼氈固定,佩戴者因此能夠輕易調整適合自己腕圍的錶帶長度,讓手錶更貼合在手腕上,錶帶中央特別做出隆起的設計強化視覺與觸覺的魅力,且DiW固定於錶帶兩側的黑色縫線彷彿也能串連起錶圈刻度以及白色石英纖維的層次紋理,讓手錶表現出一種和諧統合感。值得注意的是,錶帶於魔鬼氈反折處的環扣同樣採用白色石英纖維,於此也再次呼應特殊的錶殼構造。

▲DiW又再改裝勞力士Daytona了,這次品牌使用另一種科技材質,以有別於碳纖維黑色調的白色風格搭配黃金零件,散發耀眼光芒。Source:Designa Individual


比起錶殼與錶帶的創意突破,Daytona ”Golden Essence”的正面造型反而顯得比較中規中矩,DiW盡量維持原廠的設計,主要調整就是面盤換上了與錶殼和錶帶呼應的鵝黃色,同時在12點方向的一長串的字樣中再增加一排”DiW”字樣,品牌也順便將6點方向的紅色”DAYTONA”字樣改成黑色;除此之外面盤的細節包括時標、指針與小錶盤造型等都與原本的116508如出一轍。



錶殼白色材質為石英纖維,其具有自然的層疊紋理,賦予白色外觀豐富的層次感。Source:Designa Individual

Daytona ”Golden Essence”的數量僅10只,定價59,990歐元表面上看起來要價不菲,但是假如DiW真的是拿116508來改造反而會讓人覺得有點划算,因為116508的定價也是要超過台幣120萬,算一算改錶後的「加價」程度反而沒這麼多,不過也不排除品牌是入手價格比較低的Daytona再換裝部份黃金零件就是了。

▲錶帶擁有中央隆起造型加上黑色縫線顯得別具一格,搭配魔鬼氈可以更貼合手腕上。Source:Designa Individual


附帶一提,DiW用白色石英纖維改裝的Daytona不只”Golden Essence”這款,還有另一只”Carbon Irbis”,那款配上了碳纖維錶圈、銀白色的按把與錶冠(不確定是不鏽鋼還是貴金屬),再搭配黑色尼龍錶帶,整體看起來有一種科技感熊貓面味道,雖然外觀比”Golden Essence”低調,但是它要價60,990歐元卻比”Golden Essence”高一點點,如果是你,會比較喜歡哪一種風格呢?

How to Become AWS DevOps Engineer?
The growth in the demand of DevOps, as well as AWS, has been an evident phenomenon in recent times. As a result, the career opportunities for an AWS DevOps Engineer are highly promising. The popularity of AWS certifications as vital instruments for establishing prolific careers on the AWS cloud landscape is unquestionable. 
Many popular names in the world of cloud computing are in competition with AWS right now. The diverse opportunities emerging every day in the DevOps landscape prominently indicate the need to go for DevOps Engineer job roles. However, the lack of guidance generally tends to create prominent difficulties for aspiring candidates. 
If you want to become an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, then this discussion is the right source of information. The discussion would outline key details such as reasons to become a DevOps engineer on AWS and the basic details of AWS DevOps engineering. However, the crux of the discussion would largely emphasize the basic skills and role-specific skills for the AWS DevOps Engineer role.
Must Try: 15 Free Practice Questions for AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional
The next highlight of the discussion would be the information about the certification required for becoming an AWS DevOps professional. Subsequently, the discussion would dive into important aspects of the job description of AWS DevOps engineer role while shedding light on their crucial roles and responsibilities. Finally, the discussion would present brief information regarding the estimated salary for DevOps professionals on the AWS cloud. 
Why Should I Become an AWS DevOps Engineer?
Prior to a reflection on how to become AWS DevOps Engineer, it is important to know ‘why’! DevOps is a proven approach for modern enterprises to speed up their development lifecycles and shorten delivery times. The goal of DevOps aims at improving collaboration between the development and IT operations teams. As a result, enterprises could ensure optimal functionality in an application or software. 
The basic features in DevOps culture are the primary reasons for constantly increasing the adoption of DevOps in the past few years. For example, the worldwide adoption rate of DevOps was 66% in 2016, and in 2017, the adoption rate reached 74%. Now, let’s get to the point of our discussion i.e., why should I become an AWS DevOps Engineer. 
As a beginner, you can look at the market share AWS enjoys presently, among other public cloud services. At almost 47%, AWS is a market leader and also brings in many employment opportunities. 
Organizations slowly realize the importance of DevOps. Therefore, they need skilled AWS DevOps professionals to provide the necessary boost to their productivity. 

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